crazy update for Novel

advanced customization

👋🏼 Novel community,

No fluff today. Right to an insane product update.

Over the weekend, Novel became the most visually customizable video commerce solution in the Shopify App store.

Carousel Layout

for every video layout, we’ve now unlocked “advanced customization” enabling ALL customers to toggle on and off a CSS box that enables nearly any visual change possible.

Overlay Layout

Not Technical? No worries.

We took everything a step further to make this incredibly easy to use.

AI Chatbot

We’ve also rolled out an AI chatbot built on top of an extensive knowledge of all things Novel.

For example, you can ask it:

  • “how do I change the carousel borders from rounded to square”

  • “can I make the videos wider?”

  • “I want to increase spacing between bubbles in stories layout”

  • “can I make the videos bigger"?”

The bot will pass off the exact code to input for the visual change…

But you can also ask things like:

  • “I am going to have 220,000 impressions this month, how much will overages be?”

  • “How do I add novel to my collections pages individually?”

The bot will pass off the exact code to input for the visual change.

Click below to login, play around, and let us know what you think!
